Rosengård, Sweden, Europe
Year1962latitude: 55° 35'
longitude: 13° 2'
Planning organization
Nationality initiator(s)
Designer(s) / Architect(s)
Design organizationJaenecke & Samuelssons arkitektkontor, HSBs arkitektkontor, Svenska Riksbyggen, Torsten Roos arkitek
Target population25,000
Town website
Town related links
Literature- (1) Pernille Stensgaard, 'Her flygter man fra Sverige',, nr.43, 26-10-2003.

type of New Town: > scale of autonomy
New Town
Company Town
> client
Private Corporation
Public Corporation
> policy
Rosengård is a New Town of 7,000 apartments, designed for 23,000 people. It is situated in a cluster of suburbian New Towns on Malmö's outskirts along with Kryddgården, Apelgården, Örtagården, and Törnrosen. The complex was build after traffic segregation principles and follows a fast and industrialized production. Rosengård also contains the large building block popularly known as the Chinese wall because of its monotony and scale. Otherwise it is composed by 3, 9, 12 storey apartment buildings.
It has all the facilities, only lacking a hospital needed for being independent. This had let it to become the perfect ghetto. Today, in the most run-down part of it (Herrgården), 95% of the tenants receive public assistance, in the other half it is only 61 %. Most of the people don't leave the area on a daily basis. A minority of the inhabitants are born in the North. The "Swedish blocks" are surrounded by fences shaping semi-private spaces.

A highway splits the estate in two: one part for owners and one part for tenants.
Through the years Rosengård has acquired a notorious reputation and it has been the center of many of the immigration/integration debates taking place in recent years. Particular noteworthy is it that the Malmö Mayor recently asked the Commune to be avoided demands of accepted more immigrants to the city - a statement quite unheard of in the Swedish debate. Both anthropologist and entnologists have carried out field studies in the block, most noteworthy are Per-Markku Ristilammi and Aje Carlblom. Through the years a large number of renovation/refurbishment projects have been carried out and some of them should provide interesting material for a further investigation.

source: (Line Pyrmont Kirkegaard)

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