Urumqi, China, Asia
Year1953latitude: ° 0'
longitude: ° 0'
Planning organization
Nationality initiator(s)
Designer(s) / Architect(s)
Design organization
Target population
Town website
Town related linkshttp://www.atimes.com/atimes/China/EK01Ad01.html
http://archnet.org/library/places/one-place.tcl?place_id=2536&order_by=titl e&showdescription=1
Literature- Alfred Schinz, Cities in China, Berlin, Stuttgart 1989, 449-451

type of New Town: > scale of autonomy
New Town
Company Town
> client
Private Corporation
Public Corporation
> policy
Urumqi, capital of the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous region. Urumqi is situated in the far west of the Peoples Republic of China near the border of Mongolia, Soviet Union, Kazachstan in the Gobi desert. It is the capital of Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous region. It was original founded in 60 BC by Han dynasty and since then has been conquered by many different parties such as the Uygurs, and the Mongols. It was originally part of the famous trading route to the west, the Silk Road. (Urumqi has the highest muslim population in China.)

The take over of the Chinese People Liberation army in 1949 started the real development of Urumqi. The army began with the redevelopment of the northern apart of Urumqi. They planned a new town at the south west of the old town during the fifties. Employment in this desert city comes from the surrounding oilfields. Han Chinese from the eastern areas were ' stimulated' by the Chinese government to move to the western part of the country and in specific Urumqi in order to strenghthen the power over the muslim population in these areas.

Growth of Urumqi was stimulated further in 1955 when the Trans Siberian Railway was planned to connect to the Chinese railway system. It was extended to capital Urumqi in 1963. After this is the construction on the further extension was stopped although bridges and tracks had been constructed in several places. This was due to the ending of the Sino-Soviet cooperation in 1960. In the late sixties the railway was partly completed, especially to connect the new oilfields and the industrialized settlements wit Urumqi and beyond. Today over a million people are living in the urbanized areas of urumqi.

Recently plans are been made for a new new town (Sun City) in the direct area of Urumqi. The design for this new town is by a Danish architectural firm. The target population is 300.000. The goal for planning this new town is to stimulate the economy in the most western parts of China but most importantly to strengthen the Eaurasian bonds.

Rechthoekige kavelstructuur met woningblokken met vier of vijf verdiepingen . Ten oosten begrensd door de historische stad en ten westen door treinstation. Ten noorden garnizoenstad van manchurie.

meer beelden:
City plan Urumqi
Masterplan Sun City


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