Brøndby Strand, Denmark, Europe
Year1970latitude: 55° 37'
longitude: 12° 24'
Planning organization
Nationality initiator(s)
Designer(s) / Architect(s)
Design organizationThorvald Dreyer/Svend Høgsbro et al
Target population
Town website
Town related links

type of New Town: > scale of autonomy
New Town
Company Town
> client
Private Corporation
Public Corporation
> policy


source: INTI

Brøndby Strand is a suburb southeast of Copenhagen. Constructed 1970-72 by four cooperative housing societies, it was among the last system-built block projects being erected in Denmark. The 2,5 km long concrete estate is divided into four sections, each with three 15 level high rises, blocks of four storeys arranged around a shared yard and semi detached houses along the beach esplanade. 4000 apartments in all. Each section has child-care institutions, an activity house and a small shopping centre. The development of the town was part of the Køge Bay planning in the 60s, where it was pointed out as one of ten new town units along the bay. As one of the fingers in the Copenhagen Finger Plan (fingers of living areas with green recreation areas in between) it was to be serviced collectively by train and individually by a highway. Many areas in growth in the capital district needed train connections, and around 1960 big S-train-constructions were started. The Køge Bay-line, although, was not first priority, and the building of Brøndby Strand was nearly completed as in 1972 the S-train finally came.

During the 80s the town experienced a fall-off as many people on transfer payment and immigrants came to the area. The expensive apartments were difficult to let, and the municipality started assigning them to people with a low income. In the early 90s some of the facades were changed to be more varied and coloured. Since 1997 part of the Kvarterløft program, Brøndby Strand has been prettified, got more activities and lower rents.

The Danish band Outlandish coming from Brøndby Strand has helped to give the area positive attention. A few years ago many apartments were standing empty in Brøndby Strand; now one has to wait 6-7 years to get one.


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