
China Development Institute (CDI), a think tank based in Shenzhen, Guangdong Province, was founded in 1989 with the approval of the Chinese State Council. The mission set by its founders is to conduct high-quality and independent research providing innovative insight and practical recommendations for governments, businesses, and other public organizations. Adhering to a spirit of reform and innovation, CDI engages in economic research and consulting with a preference for the new market economy framework rather than earlier models. In its activities, CDI has probed into the leading issues concerning Chinese economic reforms, thus forming a solid platform for further research and studies in China’s macroeconomic policy, public policy, regional economy, urban development and Industrial Development. CDI also undertakes corporate consulting for domestic and foreign enterprises as well as public organizations in the fields of investment, financing, management, accounting, and marketing etc. The institute operates an extensive cooperation and exchange network with many domestic and international research institutions and consulting firms and offers PhD and MA programs in economics at Tsinghua and Nankai Universities, fulfilling CDI’s other role as an important training center in southern China. After more than 20 years’ development, CDI has grown to become one of the leading think tanks in China for its problem-solving research and consulting service.



