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Work in Progress 2008-2011
Work in Progress 2008-2011 is an overview of the projects INTI did the past two years and the programme it wants to undertake in the future years.

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• To get a copy of the book, send an email to info@newtowninstitute.org

The Organic City: Method or Methaphor?
An essay by: Petra Schilders
The meaning of ’Organic’ in Architecture and Urban Planning
The result of INTI’s 2010 research on the Organic City. Almere is currently standing at the brink of a major expansion, with its eastern flank (the future district of Oosterwold) having been designated for ‘organic’ development. In this context, the term ‘organic urban development’ would seem to suggest that both the passing of time and the new residents are (f)actors influencing the future design of the district. It is a strategy departing from that of the overarching master plan (‘top-down planning’), allows freedom for private commissioning and constitutes the next step in resident (...)

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• to purchase the book send an email to info@newtowninstitute.org

New Towns for the 21st Century
The Planned vs. the Unplanned City
The result of INTI’s 2009 conference on the Planned versus the Unplanned. How to plan new cities? That is a central and crucial question discussed in this book by several authors. Is it possible at all to plan and design successful new cities? Or should we rather take a look at the history of ‘unplanned’ or ‘selforganized’ cities, to learn how to design informally? Are the planned and unplanned two opposite poles or are they actually in a symbiotic relation? How can elements like flexibil- ity and changeability be incorporated into official planning? How can non-professional agents be (...)

• To purchase the book send an email to info@newtowninstitute.org

Vernieuwing van de nieuwe stad
Groeikernen van slaapstad naar droomstad
"Toen in 1977 maar liefst negentien gemeenten in Nederland werden uitgeroepen tot groeikern, waren daar drie bij die vanuit hun dorpse historie en hun latere ontwikkeling opmerkelijke overeenkomsten zouden gaan vertonen: Capelle aan den IJssel, Nieuwegein en Spijkenisse." "Alledrie ontvingen ze hun nieuwe inwoners vanuit de recruteringsgebieden Rotterdam en Utrecht, ook wel donorsteden genoemd. Het is maar hoe men ernaar keek. De drie hadden ook een sociale, economische en ruimtelijke problematiek die sterk overeenkwam. En het resultaat was uiteindelijk identiek. In vaktermen: drie (...)

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INTI Research Programme
INTI’s annual research programme is now available online. This publication elaborates on our ongoing and one-off research projects, as well as those projects funded or supported by INTI, but undertaken by external bodies.

• Click here to read the pdf.

Quick Scan Financiering Nieuwe Steden
een verkenning met het oog op de Schaalsprong van Almere
Parallel aan de start van het International New Town Institute per 1 november 2008 heeft de Gemeente Almere, met het oog op de financiering van de Schaalsprong van Almere, opdracht gegeven aan dit nieuwe instituut voor een quick scan van de financiering van nieuwe steden. In onderling overleg is besloten deze quick scan te richten op Zoetermeer en Leidsche Rijn in Nederland, Marne-la-Vallée nabij Parijs en Milton Keynes, halfweg Londen en Birmingham.

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Model Town: Using Urban Simulation in New Town Planning
On June 5, 2009, INTI presented their newest book "Model Town" at the end of the conference on the Planned vs. the Unplanned. This book, edited by Egbert Stolk and Marco te Brommelstroet, represents the newest in our continuing series of research publications. The computer game SimCity has had its day, but professional urban simulation programmes are becoming more and more advanced. The development of new towns can be charted with the aid of these programmes. The International New Town Institute (INTI) in Almere is conducting research on this. The results are presented in the book (...)

• To purchase the book send an email to info@newtowninstitute.org

Research on New Towns; First International Seminar 2006
The first seminar of the International New Town Institute took place in Almere / Lelystad, November 22nd / 23rd 2006. A major challenge of our time is the rapid urbanization of the world. What role may new towns as planned urban settlements play in accommodating the incredible rise of the urban population?

• To purchase the book send an email to info@newtowninstitute.org

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