Videos - INTI - International New Town Institute

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Welcome by Tjeerd Herrema, elderman of Spatial Affairs, Housing and Neighbourhoods, Almere

Introduction: Ambitions for New Cities of the Near Future by Michelle Provoost, director of INTI

Voices from the world: New Towns Challenges and Opportunities

Curitiba - Luisiana Paganelli, Instituto de Pesquisa e Planejamento Urbano de Curitiba, Brazil

Nakuru – Lawrence Esho, Department of Spatial Planning & Design, Technical University of Kenya

Guangming – Xu Songming, Deputy Director, Deputy Director Administrative Committee of Guangming New Town, China

New Towns in Europe

Spijkenisse – ‘Re-positioning the old New Towns by redefining their role in the region’, a statement from Mirjam Salet, Mayor of Spijkenisse, The Netherlands

Vinge – ‘Social mix and green ambitions’ with Søren Smidt-Jensen, Head of Urban Development & Landscape, Frederikssund Municipality, Denmark

Aspern Seestadt – ‘The city of the future’ with Philipp Fleischmann, Vienna Municipality, Austria 

Milton Keynes – ‘Cultural heritage and regeneration’ with Shane Downer, Senior heritage development Officer, Milton Keynes, United Kingdom

African New Towns

Ningo Pram Pram with Markus Appenzeller, Ghana

Tema with Joe Abbey, Managing Director Tema Development Corporation, Ghana

Tatu City with Preston Mendenhall, Head of Corporate Affairs, Rendeavour, Kenya

Kribi with Bart Brorens, Royal Haskoning DHV, Cameroon

Co-creating the New Urban Agenda for New Towns
Anticipating the Habitat III conference in Quito, this plenary working session wants to contribute with the elaboration of the New Towns perspective on the New Urban Agenda. Planned communities worldwide share many characteristics with each other and face many of the same challenges and opportunities. What should the New Towns perspective on the New Urban Agenda consist of?

Statements on the New Towns perspective on the New Urban Agenda by: Elena Bologna, Social Innovation Architect, SocialFare, Italy | Friedemann Römhild, Royal HaskoningDHV, The Netherlands | Ute Schneider, Director Zurich Office KCAP, Switzerland | Maren Striker, Arcadis, United Kingdom | Neville Mars, MARS Architects, China

International New Town Day
Program conference 30 June
Program tours 28-29 June
Practical Information
City Profiles
Side event | Seminar on Sustainable planning of New Towns, July 1