New Town: Drumul Taberei Bucharest, Romania
Organisation: University of Agronomic Sciences and Veterinary Medicine in Bucharest
Ioana Tudora is an architect with a master degree in Urban Form (Bucharest) and in Urban Socio-anthropology (Brussels) and a PhD in Sociology (Brussels-Bucharest), teaching since 1998 at the Landscape Architecture Department of University of Agronomic Sciences and Veterinary Medicine, Bucharest (USAMV). In 2016 she was counsellor of the State Secretary on Heritage – Ministry of Culture, being in charge of cultural landscape politics. She was also a member of National Heritage Commission for Bucharest Area (2016-2018) and member of the Urban and Spatial Planning Technical Commission of Bucharest (since 2017). Ioana is also working at RPR_birou de studii contemporane as architect and landscape architect, contributing to the landscape architecture practice in Romania and tackling post-industrial rehabilitation projects, landscape urbanism and urban design projects or development strategies. She was equally involved in research projects and had numerous theoretical contributions concerning the vernacular urban landscape of Bucharest, such as: In the Yard. Garden, Neighbourhood and Urban Landscape in Bucharest, ed. Curtea Veche, (2009), or Looking down on or looking up to Bucharest public spaces. Militari – Drumul Taberei in-between vernacular design and urban policies, ed. Unarte, (2011), being author or coauthor of numerous articles. Ioana is member of the Romanian Landscape Architects Association and permanent delegate at IFLA.