New Town: Ilijaš, Bosnia Herzegovina
Organisation: NK ICOMOS
Maja Pličanić obtained a doctoral degree in architecture from the Faculty of Architecture, University of Sarajevo in 2021. She completed her graduate studies at the Faculty of Architecture in Sarajevo in 2003. After a brief working experience at the Cantonal Institute for the Protection of Cultural, Historical and Natural Heritage, and two years of working at the Ministry of Spatial Planning and Environmental Protection of Sarajevo Canton, in 2006 she was hired at the Faculty of Educational Sciences in Sarajevo. As an assistant for the technical group of courses at the Department of Culture of Living and Technical Education, she participates in the teaching and scientific process through engagement in the following teaching courses: Protection and Nurturing of Cultural Heritage, Cultural Heritage of BiH. As a researcher in the field of cultural heritage with a focus on industrial heritage, she mainly presents and publishes her work at international conferences and meetings. In March 2014 she became a Teaching Assistant and in September 2021 she obtained the position of Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Educational Sciences, University of Sarajevo, for the scientific field of Cultural Heritage of Bosnia and Herzegovina. She has been a permanent member of the ICOMOS National Committee in Bosnia and Herzegovina since 2010 and the TICCIH since 2022.