New Town: Nova Gorica, Slovenia
Organisation: Association of Humanists from Goriška region
Miha Kosovel is an editor, publicist, curator, writer, cultural manager, and activist. He is a senior project manager and head of programs at the Goriška Humanist Association. He is the programme director of the literary festival Mesto knjige (City of Books) and editor of the quarterly journal Razpotja. He curates the program of cultural hub Carinarnica in the former border checkpoint between Nova Gorica (Slovenia) and Gorizia (Italy). He manages the residence programs for young literates Twenty and Something and is the advisor for the publishing program at the Nova Gorica 2025 - European Capital of Culture. He has done extensive work on European double towns (towns divided by borders), bringing to the first network of cultural and civil society organisations from the European border double towns Transbordering Laboratory. His texts were translated into English, Italian, and Polish, he presented his work and lectures in Nova Gorica, Gorizia, Ljubljana, Trieste, Klagenfurt, Rijeka, Frankfurt am Oder. He exhibited his work and his organisation in Nova Gorica, Gorizia, Ljubljana, Frankfurt am Oder, Słubice, and Maribor.