A modern university with a rich history, the University of Amsterdam (UvA) traces its roots back to 1632, when the Golden Age school Athenaeum Illustre was established to train students in trade and philosophy. Today, with more than 30,000 students, 5,000 staff and 250 study programs (Bachelor’s and Master’s), many of which are taught in English, and a budget of more than 600 million euros, it is one of the largest comprehensive universities in Europe. It is a member of the League of European Research Universities and also maintains intensive contact with other leading research universities around the world.
Teaching and research at the UvA are conducted at seven faculties: the Humanities, Social and Behavioral Sciences, Economics and Business, Law, Science, Medicine and Dentistry, with programs offered in almost every field. Over time, the UvA has risen to international prominence as a research university, gaining an excellent reputation in both fundamental and socially relevant research. The UvA’s thriving doctoral programs provide an excellent foundation for engaging in high-quality teaching and research.
The UvA seeks to offer an inspiring international academic environment in which both staff and students can develop their talents optimally. Characterized by a critical, creative and international atmosphere, the UvA has a long tradition of open-mindedness and engagement with social issues, in keeping with the spirit of the city with which it is inextricably linked.
阿姆斯特丹大学是一个历史丰富的现代化大学。它的发源可追溯到1632年,荷兰黄金时期为教授贸易和哲学而创办的学校Athenaeum Illustre。如今,阿姆斯特丹大学发展已成为拥有超过三万名学生、五千名教职员工、250项以英语教学为主的(本科和硕士)学习科目以及六亿欧元预算资金的欧洲最大的综合性大学之一。它是欧洲研究性大学联盟的成员,同时与世界顶级研究性大学保持着密切的联系。