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Founded in 1999, under the leadership of partners Xiaodu Liu, Yan Meng and Hui Wang, Urbanus developed its branches in Beijing, Shenzhen and Hong Kong. It is recognized as one of the most influential architecture practices in China.

The name of “Urbanus” derives from the Latin word of “urban”, and strongly reflects the office’s design approach: reading architectural program from the viewpoint of the urban environment in general, and the ever changing urban situations in specific.
URBANUS is committed to the Modernist believe that architecture is a pivotal force for better life, and hence architects should push the boundary of their traditional role and be a progressive force in the society.

URBANUS has been involved in more than 300 projects of architecture design and urban planning. The completed works range from culture & education, office, mixed use, renovation & regeneration, residence, interior design, landscape, to urban design & research projects.

Many of Urbanus’ completed projects, such as Tulou Collective Housing, Dafen Art Museum and Tangshan Urban Planning Museum, achieved an international reputation for the office. The office was also invited to participate in many internationally prominent exhibitions and events. Many projects of Urbanus were awarded and widely published in mainstream architecture magazines and journals, such as New York Times, T+A, W+A, Domus, Abitare, Mark, Architecture Record, Blueprint, a + u, a+ t, Bauwelt and etc. It was featured as one of the ten global “Design Vanguards” by Architectural Record in December 2005, and has been awarded with many prestigious architecture prizes.

Urbanus is now developing and extending its existing design and research platform, and exploring opportunities of international and multidisciplinary collaborations. The newly founded Urbanus Research Bureau (URB) will focus on urban research. All these set the critical cornerstone for the second decade development of Urbanus.





建成作品如大芬美术馆、唐山城市展览馆及广州土楼公舍社会住宅为都市实践赢得了国际声誉。事务所多次应邀参加国际知名建筑展览及交流活动,多项设计作品发表在《纽约时报》(2008,10,13)中国《时代建筑》Domus、Abitare、荷兰Mark、Frame、美国Architectural Record、英国Blueprint、a+d、日本a+u、西班牙a+t、德国Bauwelt、《世界建筑》、《建筑学报》等权威设计杂志,并多次获得重要的设计奖项。URBANUS都市实践2005年入选美国《Architectural Record》年度全球10个最具影响力的先锋设计事务所。
