Studio Delft University of Technology
Shenzhen Scenarios 1.0
Fall 2012 - Spring 2013
Shenzhen Scenarios 1.0 focused on the understanding of the existing modes of development, building alternative scenarios for more sustainable, diverse and integrated development, while articulating and exploring the strategies and visions that will guide future development. Students of the MSc program in Urbanism at the Delft University of Technology explored development processes in Shenzhen with the aim of tackling some of the contradictions linked with rapid urbanization, migration, and policy focusing too exclusively on the economic side of development. Students focused less on the production of strategic plans and more on locally based studies of the dynamics of urban socio-spatial development in order to understand better the processes which currently constitute development and to intervene in these processes in ways that tackle the contradictions. They focused on development as a heterogeneous process with innovative social, cultural, and spatial developments accompanying, and necessary to, economic development and raised the issue of the necessary presence of the past in any process of social and spatial change.
You can find an extensive summary of their graduation project here Results: Delft University of Technology. Studio Fall 2012 - Spring 2013
– Ankit Bhargava
– Xia Hua
– Sylke Koumans
– Matthijs van Oostrum
– Andrew Reynolds
– Fanying Zhang
– Maaike Zwart
– Stephen Read: Associate Professor, Spatial Planning and Strategy, Faculty of Architecture, TU Delft
– Lei Qu: Assistant Professor, Spatial Planning and Strategy, Faculty of Architecture, TU Delft
– Diego Sepulveda: Assistant Professor, Spatial Planning and Strategy, Faculty of Architecture, TU Delft