University of Amsterdam. Studio Spring 2013.
Supervisor: Prof. A. Reijndorp
Co-tutor: C.W. Yang
– Marie Krop
Implementation from above. The Conditions for Cultivating the Creative Industry in Shenzhen, China
– Catherine Verbeelen
The Collaboration of Actors in Urban Village Redevelopment Projects in Shenzhen, China
– Lysanne ter Brugge
The outdoor activities of the Chinese middle class families in Shenzhen
– Floortje Opbroek
Middle-class identity formation and children’s use of public space in Shenzhen, China
– Maurice Veeken
Decisions of migrants in their choice of residence. A case study in Baishizhou village in Shenzhen
– Fabian Koning
The influence of bottom-up organized leisure activities on the social capital of young migrants
– Bas Hendrikse
The impact of work on leisure patterns of Chinese migrant workers
– Yara Jansen
From factory to nursery. Beyond industrialization in Shenzhen: opportunities for former factories
For a summary of the studio, see: > Summary Studio Spring 2013