Waldkraiburg, Germany, Europe
Year1945latitude: 48° 12'
longitude: 12° 24'
Planning organizationNone
Nationality initiator(s)None
Designer(s) / Architect(s)
Design organizationNone
Inhabitants24,000 (2009)
Target population
Town websitehttp://www.waldkraiburg.de
Town related links

type of New Town: > scale of autonomy
New Town
Company Town
> client
Private Corporation
Public Corporation
> policy
The city of Waldkraiburg is situated near the Inn River, approximately ten kilometres South-West of Mühldorf and sixty kilometres east of Munich, in the province of Bavaria, in East Germany. The city was one of the towns that were established for displaced persons from the eastern regions of the German Empire at the end of World War II. (Other ones included: Neugablonz, Geretsried, Neutraubling and Traunreut.) Before the war this area was used to set up a weapon industry. In 1940 the 'Deutsche Sprengchemie' (DSC) built a factory complex because of the good infrastructural location at this area. Since 1942 gunpowder, shellfires and explosive charges were produced in the factories by forced labourers. During the war a large part of the factory complex was damaged by bombardments.

Urban plan and design / Realization
After the war a great amount of displaced persons from the east settled themselves in the damaged industrial area. They built primitive houses in the neighbourhood of the old factories. The GDR government ordered to built factories for the chemical industry. The employment attracted factory workers from the region. Most of the employers worked in the new chemical factories, the machine building and in the factories for the production of synthetic material. During the fifties and sixties the population grew so much that Waldkraiburg became a city with city rights. Besides houses also facilities like schools, Kindergarten, a 'House der Jugend', a music school and a bookstore were opened for the inhabitants. The town could be reached by car with Bundesstrasse 12 and the railway connection.

Present situation
In the seventies the surrounding municipalities, such as Pürten and St. Erasmus, were annexed. The city was expanding till the eighties, but since the middle of the 1990s the population growth stopped. Today the city consists of a surface of not more than 2,155 ha or 21.55 square kilometres with a population of more than 24,000 persons.

source: Saskia Hulskes

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