Shanghai New Towns

Each year, more than 15 million Chinese leave the rural areas of China and move to the cities. This figure exceeds 300,000 in the case of Shanghai. Before 2015, the majority of China’s population will be living in urban areas. Shanghai New Towns documents and analyses the meteoric rate of urbanization of the countryside round Shanghai, most particularly the part played by New Towns and New Villages. This decentralized planning model takes its cue from classic examples from Russia and Western Europe. A few pilot new towns have been developed on paper with help from Western designers and then adapted to suit Chinese standards. This book shows how the plans have been put into practice. Photos, essays by Chinese and Western critics and descriptions of projects illustrate what daily life looks like and how these new cities function within the Yangtze River Delta Metropolitan Area as a whole. It dwells at length on the international exchange of knowledge and the differences in method.

Harry den Hartog, Li Xiangning, Jiang Jun, Laurence Liauw, Mari Fujita, Marijn Nieuwenhuis, Zhou Jing
Edited by Harry den Hartog
Photography by Richard Rowland, Chen Taiming
Designed by Studio Joost Grootens
416 pp / 240 x 170 mm / paperback
price € 29.50
ISBN 978 90 6450 735 9

Made possible by the Netherlands Architecture Fund.

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