Work in progress 2011-2013

A little more than three years ago, in the beginning of 2009, the International New Town Institute (INTI) officially opened its doors. Since then, INTI is steadily developing its mission statement: to study the past, present and future of planned communities in an urbanizing world, and to use this knowledge to improve the quality of New Towns worldwide.
INTI is becoming an international platform for the exchange of knowledge and experience on New Towns. The Institute serves a unique role in bringing together cross-disciplinary expertise in collaboration with public, private and academic partners.

This booklet, Work in Progress 2011-2013, gives you an overview of where INTI stands today.
 INTI’s research program has resulted in a large amount of publications, including the first thesis delivered by one of INTI’s PhD candidates. Also, we are proud to present Rising in the East. Contemporary New Towns in Asia, an independent research initiated by INTI and the first conscientious mapping and analyzing of the phenomenon of hundreds of new cities being built from the Middle East to Korea.
 Our educational program is steadily expanding into the field of professional practice and we are collaborating with a growing number of international universities in Europe, Africa and Asia.
 Our events consist of an increasing number of lectures, debates, conferences and exhibitions that have enabled us to connect to a wide and diverse group of professionals on international leading events such as the Biennale in Venice, Hong Kong and Shenzhen.
 INTI’s international research and exchange program ‘New New Towns’ has started in Shenzhen and Chandigarh, two New Towns that are ready to enter a new phase in their urban development, and will move to the continents of Europe, Africa and Latin America over the next few years.

Why is this urgent? The focus on New Towns might look like a major restriction, but when we realize the amount of older New Towns being subject to renovation or urban renewal, and the amount of future new cities on the drawing boards, INTI’s topic is very relevant both in terms of investments and of professional reflection. How can we make sure that the new generation of New Towns will succeed?
That they can provide water and food for their residents and the other conditions for health and happiness? That they will be good cities to grow up in and live in? That they will be inclusive cities? This is what INTI wants to contribute to.

This booklet is also an invitation to participate in our future endeavors. As the practice of urban planning is becoming more complex, and global urbanization has led to increased dynamics between client, investor, developer, designer, builder and end-user, organizations are forced to re-define their role, goal and added value. Just like every organization has to find new methods, approaches
and coalitions in a constantly shifting territory, so does INTI. We are looking for new collaborations and alliances, and we are finding new parties to cooperate with. We will continue to do so in the future. We are looking for other parties who are also concerned about the quality of our future cities and who want to combine forces. So if you are such a party or such a city, work with us. This booklet invites you to do so.

Dr Michelle Provoost
Director INTI

© INTI, Almere 2012

Work in progress 2011-2013 is available for download as screen-pdf (22Mb) or you can read the publication online (.swf).