Model Town: Using Urban Simulation in New Town Planning

On June 5, 2009, INTI presented their newest book "Model Town" at the end of the conference on the Planned vs. the Unplanned. This book, edited by Egbert Stolk and Marco te Brommelstroet, represents the newest in our continuing series of research publications.

The computer game SimCity has had its day, but professional urban simulation programmes are becoming more and more advanced. The development of new towns can be charted with the aid of these programmes. The International New Town Institute (INTI) in Almere is conducting research on this. The results are presented in the book Model Town.

Authors: Michelle Provoost, Marco te Brömmelstroet, Egbert Stolk, Kayvan Karimi, Anna Rose, Maximo Martinez, Noah Raford, Juval Portugali, Michael Batty, Hedwig van Delden, Roel Vanhout, Marco te Brömmelstroet, Roger White, Harry Timmermans, Sandra Bonfiglioli, Gian Piero Calza, Stefano Stabilini, Reinhard König, Alex Lehnerer, Jose Nuno Beirao, Jose P. Duarte, Igor Mayer, Geertje Bekebrede, Arthur van Bilsen and Qiqi Zhou.

ISBN 9789085068044
English edition
Paperback | Illustrated
200 pages / 175 x 320 mm
Published 2009

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