The City of Aarhus will not be hosting a New Town Lab of its own, but will participate in the events in other cities and share the project’s results with its local network. The Aarhus School of Architecture will also participate by attending the events, engaging its local network, and contributing essays to the final publication.

Aarhus strives to be a city with room for difference and diversity, open and with an international mind set. A city with ambitions to promote growth, sustainability and social cohesion. A city that values citizenship, and a city that cooperatively creates a framework for the good life. Its main focus is thereby to strengthen the cohesion of Aarhus, in that all citizens, regardless of ethnic or cultural background, are active fellow citizens respecting the fundamental democratic societal values. From this follows that all citizens must have the same possibilities, rights and duties.

City of Aarhus website
City of Aarhus facebook page

City Policies
Gellerup development
Local initiatives

(Banner Image: photo by Photopop)