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Delft University of Technology

Studio Delft University of Technology
Shenzhen Scenarios 1.0
Fall 2012 - Spring 2013

Shenzhen Scenarios 1.0 focused on the understanding of the existing modes of development, building alternative scenarios for more sustainable, diverse and integrated development, while articulating and exploring the strategies and visions that will guide future development. Students of the MSc program in Urbanism at the Delft University of Technology explored development processes in Shenzhen with the aim of tackling some of the contradictions linked with rapid urbanization, migration, and policy focusing too exclusively on the economic side of development. Students focused less on the production of strategic plans and more on locally based studies of the dynamics of urban socio-spatial development in order to understand better the processes which currently constitute development and to intervene in these processes in ways that tackle the contradictions. They focused on development as a heterogeneous process with innovative social, cultural, and spatial developments accompanying, and necessary to, economic development and raised the issue of the necessary presence of the past in any process of social and spatial change.

You can find an extensive summary of their graduation project here Results: Delft University of Technology. Studio Fall 2012 - Spring 2013

 Ankit Bhargava
 Xia Hua
 Sylke Koumans
 Matthijs van Oostrum
 Andrew Reynolds
 Fanying Zhang
 Maaike Zwart

 Stephen Read: Associate Professor, Spatial Planning and Strategy, Faculty of Architecture, TU Delft
 Lei Qu: Assistant Professor, Spatial Planning and Strategy, Faculty of Architecture, TU Delft
 Diego Sepulveda: Assistant Professor, Spatial Planning and Strategy, Faculty of Architecture, TU Delft

Guangming Urban Villages - Matthijs van Oostrum
Guangming Urban Villages - Matthijs van Oostrum

Guangming Urban Villages - Matthijs van Oostrum
Guangming Urban Villages - Matthijs van Oostrum

Guangming Urban Villages - Matthijs van Oostrum
Guangming Urban Villages - Matthijs van Oostrum

Studio Delft University of Technology
Shenzhen Scenarios 2.0 - Livability in Shenzhen
Fall 2013 - Spring 2014

As a continuation of the research, Shenzhen Scenarios 2.0 (studio of 2013-2014) will focus more on the study of livability within the context of Shenzhen, based on the preliminary conclusions made from last year on alternative ways of spatial development. Furthermore, we aim for reflections on spatial planning (system / tools / theories) for more harmonious human settlements, based on the in-depth understanding of the constraints and opportunities that the existing planning context has.

 Chen Wei
 Fu Bang
 Haotian Lin
 Jiayao Liu
 Jiping Peng
 Saskia van Eijk

 Stephen Read - Associate Professor, Spatial Planning and Strategy, Faculty of Architecture, TU Delft
 Lei Qu - Assistant Professor, Spatial Planning and Strategy, Faculty of Architecture, TU Delft
 Diego Sepulveda Assistant Professor, Spatial Planning and Strategy, Faculty of Architecture, TU Delft

see > Results: Delft University of Technology. Studio Fall 2013 - Spring 2014

Jiayao Liu
Farming Guangming - Utilizing urban agriculture as a tool to achieve sustainable development in Guangming New Town
Utilizing the opportunity of high-speed railway station, Guangming New Town intends to attract high-end industries to achieve industrial upgrading in Shenzhen. However, Guangming used to have a strong agriculture-based economy and society, many characteristics of which are overlooked in the master plan. I consider the agricultural root and the new town development in Guangming as an opportunity to experiment the idea of relinking agriculture and city during the urban expansion process in China. Relevant theories and my observation support the possibility of the idea, and also demonstrate that urban agriculture can contribute to the sustainability of new town development. The aim of my project is to improve the current planning framework where agriculture can be integrated in the development scheme to achieve sustainable development of the new town and countryside in Guangming.

Haotian Lin
Evolving danwei housing
An alternative way to develop former public housing in Shenzhen

Nowadays, many Chinese cities like Shenzhen are experiencing intense spatial transformation. High-end housing, shopping malls and offices renew deteriorating neighborhoods in order to promote economic growth. Former socialist public housing is one of these redevelopment hot spots. However, these developments focus on improving the competiveness of the city as a whole and leaves out disadvantaged groups. My project aims to balance the goal of economic growth and the provision of affordable housing in Shenzhen. It will provide suggestions for improving environmental quality and institutional mechanism that facilitates provision of affordable housing in former public housing neighborhoods in Shenzhen.

Chen Wei
New Community Building
Promoting social-spatial integration in segregated context of Shenzhen

Shenzhen faces increasing socio-spatial fragmentation due to rapid urbanization. People live in different housing types with different living conditions as a result of their socio-economic status. We can summarize these housing types as urban villages, work-unit compounds and commodity housing enclaves. They are separated from each other due to a series of boundaries: independent management systems, rental prices, walls and fences. It causes problems like unequal access to public facilities, prejudice, discrimination or incomplete participation in society. The goal of this project is to formulate a comprehensive principle of public space based on community building to foster socio-spatial integration and cohesion.

Jiping Peng
Towards 3A neighborhood: accessible, affordable, adaptive
Shenzhen is in great demand of affordable housing. To increase the amount of affordable housing quickly, Shenzhen is currently constructing large-scale neighborhoods with low livability in the periphery of the city because of land scarcity and high costs in the central districts. However, illegal housing in the urban villages of downtown Shenzhen account for about 8.6% of the total residential floor area of the city. Besides, urban renewal is currently one of the most important strategies to upgrade Shenzhen. It could mean that the urban villages in downtown Shenzhen have a more favorable location and more potential to become livable neighborhoods compared to the remotely located official affordable housing. My research question is therefore about how to increase the affordable housing supply in Shenzhen by transforming the urban villages in the central districts into livable neighborhoods with affordable housing. My study site is Baishizhou, one of the largest urban villages in the central district. The main threats for the livability of this urban village are health, safety and privacy regulation aspects. The project focuses on the public space network reorganization and housing improvement to raise the livability of Baishizhou urban village, and transforming the improved housing into the Shenzhen livable affordable housing.

Jiayao Liu - Farming Guangming - Utilizing urban agriculture as a tool to (…)
Jiayao Liu - Farming Guangming - Utilizing urban agriculture as a tool to achieve sustainable development in Guangming New Town

Jiayao Liu Farming Guangming - Utilizing urban agriculture as a tool to (…)
Jiayao Liu Farming Guangming - Utilizing urban agriculture as a tool to achieve sustainable development in Guangming New Town

Jiayao Liu - Farming Guangming - Utilizing urban agriculture as a tool to (…)
Jiayao Liu - Farming Guangming - Utilizing urban agriculture as a tool to achieve sustainable development in Guangming New Town

Haotian Lin - Evolving danwei housing
Haotian Lin - Evolving danwei housing

Jiping Peng - Towards 3A neighborhood: accessible, affordable, adaptive
Jiping Peng - Towards 3A neighborhood: accessible, affordable, adaptive

Chen Wei - New Community Building
Chen Wei - New Community Building