A modern university with a rich history, the University of Amsterdam (UvA) traces its roots back to 1632, when the Golden Age school Athenaeum Illustre was established to train students in trade and philosophy. Today, with more than 30,000 students, 5,000 staff and 250 study programs (Bachelor’s and Master’s), many of which are taught in English, and a budget of more than 600 million euros, it is one of the largest comprehensive universities in Europe. It is a member of the League of European Research Universities and also maintains intensive contact with other leading research universities around the world.
Teaching and research at the UvA are conducted at seven faculties: the Humanities, Social and Behavioral Sciences, Economics and Business, Law, Science, Medicine and Dentistry, with programs offered in almost every field. Over time, the UvA has risen to international prominence as a research university, gaining an excellent reputation in both fundamental and socially relevant research. The UvA’s thriving doctoral programs provide an excellent foundation for engaging in high-quality teaching and research.
The UvA seeks to offer an inspiring international academic environment in which both staff and students can develop their talents optimally. Characterized by a critical, creative and international atmosphere, the UvA has a long tradition of open-mindedness and engagement with social issues, in keeping with the spirit of the city with which it is inextricably linked.
阿姆斯特丹大学是一个历史丰富的现代化大学。它的发源可追溯到1632年,荷兰黄金时期为教授贸易和哲学而创办的学校Athenaeum Illustre。如今,阿姆斯特丹大学发展已成为拥有超过三万名学生、五千名教职员工、250项以英语教学为主的(本科和硕士)学习科目以及六亿欧元预算资金的欧洲最大的综合性大学之一。它是欧洲研究性大学联盟的成员,同时与世界顶级研究性大学保持着密切的联系。
From the moment of its establishment in 1976, Almere has been one of the fastest growing cities in Europe. In merely 35 years it has attracted over 190,000 residents and 14,500 businesses. Almere is one of the four main cities in the Amsterdam Metropolitan Area and the seventh largest city in the Netherlands.
The very birth of Almere demonstrates its innovative character as a city. At the outset of the 20th century, Almere’s present territory was just a patch of water in the Zuiderzee. Starting in 1932, the majority of the Zuiderzee was closed off from the North Sea and the salt-water inlet changed into a fresh-water lake - the IJsselmeer. In 1975 Almere’s first inhabitants - real pioneers - took up residence on the newly reclaimed land. Since then, Almere has been a city where innovations can thrive, which is essentially what the new town character of Almere is all about.
Ambition: The expansion of the city - the road to urban adulthood - continues apace. Its ambition is to double in size over the next twenty years, making Almere the fifth (or possibly even the fourth) largest city in the Netherlands. This will entail building 60,000 new houses and creating 100,000 new jobs and related facilities. The intended growth of the city will take place in an ecologically, socially and economically sustainable fashion. One of the main objectives of the city’s spatial planning agenda is to provide an integrated solution for environmental consideration, while at the same time attaining optimal levels of quality of life, comfort and social, economical and cultural values.
Abundance of space: Almere is centrally located in the Randstad conurbation, the urban region containing the four major cities (Amsterdam, Utrecht, The Hague, Rotterdam) in the west of the Netherlands. Being a part of the metropolitan area of Amsterdam, Almere is in the vicinity of two international airports, the port of Amsterdam and a plethora of railway and motorway connections. This makes Almere an indispensably strategic location for business development and unlimited business opportunities. Unlike most major cities in the Netherlands, Almere still has ample space available to accommodate entrepreneurs of all industries, with businesses of all sizes. The city’s residents equally benefit from the abundance of space available. They can rent, buy or even build their own homes in areas that best meet their needs.
One of the other primary contributions to Almere’s unique and colorful character is its cultural diversity. Altogether, Almere is home to residents of 181 different ethnicities and 153 different nationalities. The largest ethnic population after the Dutch is the Surinamese (11%). Other large ethnic groups are the Moroccans (3.6%), Turks (1.7%), Germans (1.6%) and Indonesians (1.2%).
发展目标: 城市扩张,即该新城发展到成熟阶段的途径,一直在被快速推进着。这座新城的发展目标是在未来的二十年内扩容两倍,使其成为荷兰第五大(甚至第四大)城市。这意味着未来需要建设6万单元新住宅,创造10万个新就业岗位和提供相关配套设施。理想的城市增长将采取一种生态友好、社会和经济可持续发展的模式。城市空间规划的主要目标之一是制定一个整合的方案,既包含对环境保护的考虑,同时取得最佳水平的生活质量和舒适度,以及社会、经济和文化价值的实现。
土地资源充足: 阿尔梅勒位于荷兰兰斯塔德(Randstad)城市群中,该城市群包含荷兰西部的四个主要城市(阿姆斯特丹、乌特勒支、海牙和鹿特丹)。作为阿姆斯特丹大都市区的组成部分,阿尔梅勒在两个国际机场和阿姆斯特丹港口辐射范围内,并与诸多火车线路和公路相连。这使得阿尔梅勒处于经济活动扩张不可取代的战略位置,这里拥有无限的商机。与大多数荷兰主要城市不同,阿尔梅勒仍然具有大量充足的土地资源可供各种类型和规模的工业企业入驻。城市的居民同样从空间充足这个特点中获益。他们可以在最符合个人要求的地点租赁、购买甚至自建住房。
CAH Vilentum, University of Applied Sciences is one of the leading universities in the Netherlands in the field of entrepreneurship. As far as we are concerned, it is not just about knowledge, it is also a question of developing yourself as an enterprising person. CAH Vilentum is a small university with approximately 1600 students (150 international students). The small-scale character of the university enables more personal contact. CAH Vilentum has a faculty in Dronten and one in Almere. Where Dronten educates professionals for their careers in the knowledge domains of agriculture, food, horticulture, agribusiness and animal science, Almere has a strong focus on making agriculture, food and nature contribute to city life. At present Almere hosts 2 careers: applied biology, and nature, economy and the living environment (other careers are soon to follow) and two Research Chairs.
The Chair ‘eco-effective entrepreneurship in urban environments’ is led by dr. ir. Gaston Remmers. The Chair ‘Nature, Health and Society’ is led by dr.ir Dinand Ekkel. Task of both Chairs is to conduct applied research, to build bridges between actors in research, education, practice and policy, and to enhance curricula development of Almere. The Chair ‘eco-effective entrepreneurship in urban environments’ builds on the Cradle to Cradle philosophy, and extends it with integral and evolutionary notions of (habitat) development. It develops three domains: urban farming, vital cities and innovative financing mechanisms. The Chair is co-founder of the Almere Development Centre on Urban Framing, a co-creative platform of multiple stakeholders with the goal to enhance city vitality through urban food and urban green.
CAH Vilentum 应用科学大学是荷兰企业领域的领衔大学之一。我们认为学校所要教授的不光是知识,同时也关于如何促进个人发展成为企业人才。CAH Vilentum 是一个小型的学校,拥有1600名学生(其中150名为国际学生)。这样的小型规模使更多的人际交往成为可能。CAH Vilentum 在多隆顿(Dronten)和阿尔梅勒各设有一个学院。多隆顿的教学重点主要是农业、食品、园艺、农业食品综合产业以及动物科学方面。阿尔梅勒学院的核心关注是如何使农业、食品及自然对城市生活产生积极影响。目前,阿尔梅勒方面主要开设两个专业方向:应用生物学方向和自然、经济及人居环境方向(不久将添加其它专业方向)和两个研究室。
“城市环境中的生态效应企业”研究室由Gaston Remmers博士领衔。“自然、健康和社会”研究室由Dinand Ekkel博士领衔。两个研究室的共同任务是开展应用性质的研究,为研究、教学、实践和政策制定人员之间搭建桥梁,目的是加强阿尔梅勒学院的课程发展。“城市环境中的生态效应企业”研究室以“从摇篮到摇篮”哲学思想为基础,利用完整和演变的人居环境理念将此哲学概念进行拓展。因此分化出三个研究领域:城市农作、活力城市以及创新性的金融机制。该研究室是阿尔梅勒城市农作发展中心的合作创办者。该中心的目标是为各种利益相关者提供一个共同创造的平台,通过城市食品和城市绿化加强城市活力。
Shenzhen Center for Design is a newly established NGO institute that aims to encourage and promote innovative urban and habitat design. It was founded by Shenzhen Planning and Land Resource Bureau and will operate independently as a non-profit organization to combine various resources such as the government, the industry and the commerce, in order to establish a treasury of urban design ideas and to offer services that help with the communication, education and propagation for design itself and the designers.
Over the course of 20 years, the School of Architecture at the Chinese University of Hong Kong has developed a research and teaching ethos that values excellence, innovation, and contribution to the community. The mission of the School is to advance knowledge and prepare students for contemporary challenges. Research is at the core of the School’s activities, with an advocacy for achieving a sustainable environment in the region. The School is also a strong base for the study of Chinese architectural design, urban design, history and theory. Above all, the School of Architecture prides itself as the hub of knowledge and professional expertise in built environment design in its complex and multi- dimensional scope; architectural computation, digital fabrication, material and structural research, and social and cultural studies all serve to augment the fundamental notion of design, being at the center of all activities related to the School.
Founded in 1912, The University of Hong Kong is the leading and oldest tertiary institute in Hong Kong. The Department of Architecture was first introduced into the University in 1950 with the first five-year Degree of Bachelor of Architecture was awarded in 1955. Professional recognition of the degree was granted by the Royal Institute of British Architects (RIBA) in 1961 and joint visitations ran parallel with the Commonwealth Architects Association (CAA), the Architect’s Registration Council of the United Kingdom (ARCUK) and the Hong Kong Institute of Architects (HKIA).
The Department of Architecture educates students in an active culture of service, scholarship and invention. Uniquely situated at the crossroads of Chinese heritage and global influence, the Department takes the approach that design is best explored from a sophisticated understanding of both. Through a multidisciplinary curriculum emphasizing technology, history and culture students gain broad expertise in the management of the environmental, social, and aesthetic challenges of contemporary architectural design. Research programs at the graduate and postgraduate level offer students a unique opportunity to study the conditions of the contemporary city in the dense and active region of south China. Programs in architecture conservation, sustainable cities, rural construction, housing and architectural fabrication form a base for our research agenda. Through opportunities for international exchange, study travel, and community workshops, the Department of Architecture prepares graduates for participation in an international community of design experts at the highest level.
China Development Institute (CDI), a think tank based in Shenzhen, Guangdong Province, was founded in 1989 with the approval of the Chinese State Council. The mission set by its founders is to conduct high-quality and independent research providing innovative insight and practical recommendations for governments, businesses, and other public organizations. Adhering to a spirit of reform and innovation, CDI engages in economic research and consulting with a preference for the new market economy framework rather than earlier models. In its activities, CDI has probed into the leading issues concerning Chinese economic reforms, thus forming a solid platform for further research and studies in China’s macroeconomic policy, public policy, regional economy, urban development and Industrial Development. CDI also undertakes corporate consulting for domestic and foreign enterprises as well as public organizations in the fields of investment, financing, management, accounting, and marketing etc. The institute operates an extensive cooperation and exchange network with many domestic and international research institutions and consulting firms and offers PhD and MA programs in economics at Tsinghua and Nankai Universities, fulfilling CDI’s other role as an important training center in southern China. After more than 20 years’ development, CDI has grown to become one of the leading think tanks in China for its problem-solving research and consulting service.
Founded in 1999, under the leadership of partners Xiaodu Liu, Yan Meng and Hui Wang, Urbanus developed its branches in Beijing, Shenzhen and Hong Kong. It is recognized as one of the most influential architecture practices in China.
The name of “Urbanus” derives from the Latin word of “urban”, and strongly reflects the office’s design approach: reading architectural program from the viewpoint of the urban environment in general, and the ever changing urban situations in specific.
URBANUS is committed to the Modernist believe that architecture is a pivotal force for better life, and hence architects should push the boundary of their traditional role and be a progressive force in the society.
URBANUS has been involved in more than 300 projects of architecture design and urban planning. The completed works range from culture & education, office, mixed use, renovation & regeneration, residence, interior design, landscape, to urban design & research projects.
Many of Urbanus’ completed projects, such as Tulou Collective Housing, Dafen Art Museum and Tangshan Urban Planning Museum, achieved an international reputation for the office. The office was also invited to participate in many internationally prominent exhibitions and events. Many projects of Urbanus were awarded and widely published in mainstream architecture magazines and journals, such as New York Times, T+A, W+A, Domus, Abitare, Mark, Architecture Record, Blueprint, a + u, a+ t, Bauwelt and etc. It was featured as one of the ten global “Design Vanguards” by Architectural Record in December 2005, and has been awarded with many prestigious architecture prizes.
Urbanus is now developing and extending its existing design and research platform, and exploring opportunities of international and multidisciplinary collaborations. The newly founded Urbanus Research Bureau (URB) will focus on urban research. All these set the critical cornerstone for the second decade development of Urbanus.
建成作品如大芬美术馆、唐山城市展览馆及广州土楼公舍社会住宅为都市实践赢得了国际声誉。事务所多次应邀参加国际知名建筑展览及交流活动,多项设计作品发表在《纽约时报》(2008,10,13)中国《时代建筑》Domus、Abitare、荷兰Mark、Frame、美国Architectural Record、英国Blueprint、a+d、日本a+u、西班牙a+t、德国Bauwelt、《世界建筑》、《建筑学报》等权威设计杂志,并多次获得重要的设计奖项。URBANUS都市实践2005年入选美国《Architectural Record》年度全球10个最具影响力的先锋设计事务所。
NODE stands for Nansha Original DEsign (or NO DEsign) and was established in 2004. It is a small and high quality architectural practice in the Pearl River Delta region, which grew out of a series of projects associated and completed with the Fok Foundation of Hong Kong, and has extended its practice geographically outward. Founded and led by Principal Architect, Doreen Heng LIU, NODE currently consists of 10 architects and designers from Chinese mainland, Hong Kong, Spain and Germany, and has completed and is implementing architectural projects in China. For years, NODE, with Nansha as her local base and Hong Kong as her international window, also established a studio in Shenzhen in late 2009, has been conducting a diversity of architectural, art and design practices in the PRD region.
Nansha is a uniquely situated at the land and water interface of Pearl River. It is a transit node between the east and west banks of the river; to the north is Guangzhou and to the south is Hong Kong. In contrast with rapid urban development in the rest of China, Nansha has taken a relatively slower pace toward urbanization. NODE argues for participation and inclusion of local interests as well as those from external sources, focuses on the basics of architecture in order to maintain a critical position under the pressure of tremendous speed, quantity and size. NODE’s work makes a departure from the essential issues of building – site, program, space, materials and construction– and ventures into complexities of urbanism, nature, landscape, tradition and culture. With such concerns, we as well consistently seek multi-disciplinary collaborations. Besides architecture, our work also covers a range of projects from scale of furniture and lighting features to urban design. We actively participate in academic forums, art exhibitions and installation designs locally and globally.
NODE here is understood as the point in which different vectors – possibilities, tendencies, and events – intersect. It is neither a point of departure or of arrival. It is not a fixed entity. It is determined by ever-changing fluxes and dynamics. China is undergoing a great transitional period. The opportunities for architects are not only to design and build but also to contribute in the shaping of contemporary China. This is the ultimate challenge for NODE.
關於南沙原創建築工作室 (香港+廣州南沙+深圳)
南沙是一個特殊的地方。它既是珠江三角洲地理的幾何中心,亦是珠江出海口,東西兩岸的必經之路,以及廣州新版圖中最南端的地區-水陸交界處,隨著當下中國急速膨脹的城市化進程,南沙也正在以一個相對緩慢的速度逐漸完成由鄉村到城市的變遷,我們的建築創作正是在這種地理位置的確定性和自然、社會構架的邊緣性和不確定性並存的矛盾狀態中開始的,一方面,與時共進,積極參與;另一方面,在周邊地區乃至全國建設的巨大規模、數量和速度的壓力下努力保持冷靜和批判的立場。 我們堅持對建築基本問題的研究和發展,例如場地、空間、材料和建造;在這過程中尋找一種自律和清晰;同時亦在建築理念和使用等上探索其自身邏輯以及對跨領域的開放性和相容性,以此作為創作的出發點和平臺進而關注城市化進程中引發的都市、景觀、市政、歷史和文化等複雜問題和現象。我們的工作範圍,除了建築以及延伸的室內空間設計,還包括了小如傢俱、燈飾,大至城市設計,近年來特別關注在城市公共空間和公共文化項目方向的拓展;同時多年來也積極參與國際和區域文化和當代藝術活動,通過展覽空間和裝置藝術設計,嘗試有別於建築的不同領域的互動性,以保持我們在自身建築領域的前瞻性和實驗性。
NODE在這裏理解為不同方向的向量-各種可能、各種趨勢、各種事件-交匯的結點。它即不是起點, 也不是終點, 更不是一成不變的實體。它自始至終都處於動態和持續不斷的變化中。 作為獨立的建築實踐,南沙原創才剛剛起步,我們希望一如既往地保持著運動狀態中的興奮和熱情,投入到中國建造建築的“革命”熱潮中去。
The Faculty of Architecture, Urbanism and Building Sciences at Delft University of Technology has four departments: Architecture, Urbanism, Building Technology and Real Estate & Housing.
Urbanism is the academic discipline that is concerned with understanding the spatial organization and dynamics of urban areas; and with comparing, evaluating and inventing new ways to maintain the balance between public and private, the built and the unbuilt, and local and global perspectives. Urbanism underpins practical action to shape the urban environment in a sustainable way.
The department of Urbanism in the Faculty of Architecture at Delft University of Technology was established in 1948 and since then has contributed to academic knowledge of the urban environment and design and planning interventions. It provides education for reflective professional practice. The Department aims to maintain its leading position, both in the Netherlands and abroad.
The strong tradition of urbanism in the urbanized delta of the Netherlands presents special opportunities for contributing to knowledge and education. The multidisciplinary approach in Dutch urbanism integrates urban design and landscape architecture with technical engineering and spatial planning. Further development building on this experience is needed to address the great challenges of sustainable development: the effects of climate change in delta areas, mobility and connectivity in metropolitan regions, transformation of brownfields, revitalizing post-war neighborhoods, and the making of high quality public space.
The department is committed to an international perspective, sharing expertise, research and education with partners in other countries. Our strong networks at the European and global levels will continue to be an important means for developing and disseminating knowledge.