‘New New Towns’ is an INTI international, multidisciplinary research program which started in 2012. The ‘New New Towns’ program is dedicated to improving the urban and social quality of a selection of exceptional New Towns and planned communities in transition: Shenzhen (China), Chandigarh (India), Almere (The Netherlands), Nakuru, a New Town within the metropolitan region of Nairobi (Kenya), the Lotus Park township in Cape Town (South Africa), the satellite city of Alamar in Havana (Cuba), Campos de Santana in Curitiba (Brazil) and Tema, a New Town which is part of the metropolitan region of Accra (Ghana).
‘New New Towns’ investigates the original concept and the present social, ecological, spatial and economic dynamics of these New Towns in a comprehensive manner. The program serves a unique role in bringing together international and local expertise in a multidisciplinary think-tank. It functions as a catalyst for the exchange of knowledge between students, researchers, design professionals, developers, policymakers and politicians. Knowledge exchange is facilitated by means of student workshops, international design workshops, conferences and exhibitions. It builds upon existing knowledge and proposes alternatives and integrated design strategies which allow the New Town to once again become a ‘city of tomorrow’. Ultimately, all findings of the New New Town program will be synthesized into one coherent publication and several project-based publications.
The publication on Cape Town is already available, and can be bought via naibooksellers:
– Cape Town: Densification as a Cure for a Segregated City (ISBN: 9789462083374).
The publication on Shenzhen will be presented on the International New Town Day in Almere:
– Shenzhen – From Factory of the World to World City (ISBN 9789462082373)