Jacques LONGUET is currently serving as Deputy Mayor of the city of Evry. As head of education, the family and patrimony, he succeeded in obtaining the "Remarkable Contemporary Architechture" label for the city.
For thirty-eight years, Mr. Longuet taught history and geography at Le Village secondary school. He also taught at the Parc des Loges high school, at the teacher- training institute of Etiolles and at the university of Evry until 2013. He is extremely interested in both the history of the territory and the New Town experiment. In his capacity as Community Councilor for Grand Paris Sud, he works to develop the visibility of the heritage of the urban agglomeration’s 24 communes. He has also been responsible for culture for the city of Evry and for the Syndicat d’agglomération nouvelle (New Agglomeration Association) from 1995 to 2001, and again, from 2008 to 2014 as head of Culture for Evry and of cultural installations and resources for the Agglomération d’Evry Centre Essonne.

Mariette SAGOT is a demographer at the Institut d’aménagement et d’urbanisme d’Ile-de-France. She studies regional and territorial social and demographic issues, including aging, inequality, poverty, immigration, double residency, etc. She has worked with Insee (Institut national de la statistique et des études économiques) to create several maps of the inhabitants of Greater Paris.

Laura KOSSI directs the Essonne City Policy Resource Center (Centre de Ressources Politique de la Ville en Essonne, or CRPVE).
The CRPVE is a place where those involved in city policy can come together to reflect and discuss. The center concentrates on questions related to education, to urban renewal, health, migration, and so on. Each year, the center proposes activities to develop skills and to encourage networking and the sharing of experiences to those who carry out actions in neighborhoods and with the town’s residents.

François DELOUVRIER has been associated with the city of Evry since 1973. He participated in the creation of the residential districts at EPEVRY, builder of new towns, for 20 years. He was in charge of urban planning, housing and city policy for the city of Evry for 10 years. After a few years at AUDESO, the urban development agency of the greater Evry area, he ended his career in 2015 at the Communauté d’Agglomération Evry Centre Essonne. Currently retired, he is involved in various local associations and is a member of the Evry Village neighborhood council.

André DARMAGNAC has a PhD in geography. His dissertation focused specifically on the Corbeil-Essonnes conurbation. From 1967 to 1978, he worked for EPEVRY, builder of new towns, managing the use of educational, sports and cultural installations. He then headed the Center for Education, Training and Cultural Activities (the FIAP EVRY, or Foyer International d’Accueil et de Promotion Sociale) from 1978 to 1989. He ended his career at the Syndicat d’agglomération nouvelle, then at the Communauté d’Agglomération Evry Centre Essonne, from 1989 to 2001.
Marie SOBIROU completed her degree in architecture (DPLG, a national degree) in 2005 and then worked for several agencies on projects concerning housing, public works (a water park, a secondary school, a conservatory for music and dramatic arts, etc.), commercial and health installations. In 2012, she completed a Master’s degree in urban planning and transportation at the Institut Français d’Urbanisme and then joined the world of contracting. Since 2012, she has been in charge of the writing and of coordination the various partners of the Territorial Development Contract (Contrat de Développement Territorial, or CDT) for Grand Paris at Aulnay-sous-Bois. Between 2014 and 2015, she was in charge of operations and was the reference architect for the town of Colombes. She then worked for the Evry-Centre-Essonne agglomération Direction d’Aménagement where she participated in an urban study of the Pyramides and Bois Sauvage neighborhoods of Evry in order to complete the Urban Renewal Program and to launch the New Urban Renewal Program.
François TIROT is deputy director of the Sénart Etablissement public d’Aménagement (EPA-Sénart). EPA- Sénart is a public agency focusing on industry and business. It is responsible for developing the new town in accordance with legislation.

Virginie LACOUR, in charge of the conservation of Patrimony, heads the Patrimony-Tourism service of the Grand Paris Sud Agglomeration. Formerly director of the Coulevrain Eco-museum and farm located at Savigny-le-Temple, she focused on 40 years of human urban history in Senart, from its construction to today, in the context of the exhibition entitled « récits de vies, récit de ville » ("life stories, town stories")(2013).

Fidèle DJIVO is president of the Citizen Council of the town policy neighborhood of downtown Savigny-le-Temple. The Citizen Council, created May 19, 2015, works to encourage the development and visibility of the residents of this prioritized neighborhood. It participates in the conception, application and evaluation of the city contract, and is involved in all phases of its organization and management.

Vasoodeven VUDDAMALAY has primarily published on the inscription of migration in geographical space. He defended his PhD in 1993 at the EHESS (Ecole des hautes études en sciences sociales) and his HDR (in order to supervise doctoral students), Des enclaves urbaines aux espaces transnationaux: Pour une géographie des espaces de l’immigration in 2014 at the University of Paris- Nanterre. He has taught at the University Evry since 1999 and has coordinated publications with researchers at the International Research Center of the Institute of Political Science (Sciences-Po), and at the CEIAS (Centre d’Études de l’Inde et de l’Asie du Sud) of the EHESS and the Universities of Oxford – Sydney.
He has organized and directed seminars at the University of Evry: L’impact des diasporas sur l’économie-monde (9 April 2015) and Migrations, villes globales et justice spatiale, (Symposium Arts, langues et interculturalité : Alternatives au paradoxe de la globalisation (27 and 28 March 2012.) He is the author of Les diasporas originaires du sous-continent indien en France, which was a chapter of Migrations et mutations de la société française. L’Etat des savoirs directed by Marie Poinsot and Serge Weber (Paris, La découverte, 2014, p. 130-138)

Didier DESPONDS is full Professor of Geography at the University of Cergy- Pontoise, where he has headed the MRTE (Mobilities – Networks – Territories – Environment) Laboratory since 2013. His research concerns household residential strategies, the social impact of urban policy - especially in the context of urban renewal - and tensions involving housing and the application of "intelligent territories." He is also reponsible for several research programs focusing on residential mobility around airports, the evaluation of the French Vexin Regional Natural Park, and the place and role of ethnic minorities in European cities. He directs the publication of Devenirs urbains with Editions Manuscrit. Among his most recent publications: « Territoires intelligents » : un modèle si smart ? Coll. Villes et territoires (Editions de l’Aube, La Tour-d’Aigues, 2018), La ville conflictuelle. Oppositions – Tensions – Négociations, Coll. Devenirs urbains (les éditions du Manuscrit, Paris, 2016), Les habitants : acteurs de la rénovation urbaine ?, Coll. Géographie sociale (Presses universitaires de Rennes, 2014)

Abdoul Hameth BA holds a PhD in geography from the University of Paris I Panthéon Sorbonne and is Senior Lecturer in Geography at the University of Evry- University of Paris-Saclay. He also holds an HDR and directs research in the human and social sciences. His research focuses on international migration, decentralized cooperation, sustainable development and questions of interculturality.
Abdoul Hameth BA has published, alone or in collaboration with other researchers, the following works: Acteurs et territoires du Sahel (ENS éditions, Lyon, 2007), Dimension culturelle du développement : Dynamiques de valorisation ou de dévalorisation des territoires urbains (L’Harmattan, 2010), Le vieillissement dans l’immigration : l’oubli d’une génération silencieuse
(L’Harmattan, 2006), Femmes africaines immigrées responsables d’association face aux enjeux de citoyenneté et de développement: entre mimétisme et innovation : le cas des régions Ile de France et Nord-Pas de Calais, (revue Espaces -Populations-Sociétés Lille , n°2014/2-3,16p.)